Le cabinet SILEAS a été classé dans la catégorie "Excellent" du classement 2016 des meilleurs cabinets d'avocats en droit social, Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine/Occitanie par le Groupe Leaders League. Guide annuaire Les décideurs décembre 2016. Téléchargez le classement 2016 Téléchargez l'analyse des Décideurs Téléchargez la fiche du cabinet SILEAS Téléchargez la couverture du guide annuaire des…
lire la suite Abusive Internet Connections and Cyber Protection: Jurisprudence and Employer Recommendations
It is understood that all internet and other connections made by an employee while using a company computer to perform his or her job, are presumed to be of a professional nature so that : The employer may search for the purpose of identifying them, without the presence of the person concerned (see Cass.soc. 09/07/2008, n°06-45.800…
lire la suite The mandatory company disclosure law is evolving
The list of mandatory laws cited in the Labor Code and to be posted by employers, was particularly long. In two decrees enacted on the 20th of October 2016 (Nos. 2016-1417 and 2016-1418), the legislature decided to pursue its policy of simplifying posting obligations in order to be compatible with the obligations of employers to “Means of…
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